
NDA upphävt för Office 2007

Nu gäller inte längre NDA (tystnadspliktsavtalet) för Office 2007, tillkännagav Bill Gates i sina keynotes till Office System Developers Conference 2006. Det innebär att det är fritt fram att prata om finesser och nyheter i Office 2007 och nya SharePoint! Vi kommer att se en flod av info i blogosfären, så håll i er.
As of March 21, 2006, Microsoft is officially lifting our previous request for non-disclosure of Office Server products. This change in our NDA policy is driven by the open nature of the Office Developers Conference and the information that is being covered at that event. The following things are now public:
  • Product naming and packaging
  • All Client applications, including Groove 2007
  • All Server applications, including both capabilities and feature-level server details
  • Key investment areas (collaboration, Business Intelligence, Enterprise Content Management, Enterprise Project Management)
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