
Källkoden till MOSS AspMenu

MS har släppt källkoden för klassen AspMenu, som är en ärver från ASP.Net 2.0 klassen Menu. AspMenu fixar några problem med ASP.Net 2.0 Menu:
  1. If the mouse pointer happens to be hovering over a menu item that exposes a fly-out as the page is loading, it is possible that an error dialog will appear stating: "Internet Explorer cannot open the Internet site, Operation aborted" and a blank page will be shown upon clicking OK. It seems that the problem arises from attempting to append to the DOM before it is properly initialized.
  2. If SSL termination is employed on a site with a menu, users will be greeted with “This page contains both secure and nonsecure items. Do you want to display the nonsecure items?” when hovering over a menu item which exposes fly-outs. (http://support.microsoft.com/?id=910444)
  3. In right-to-left locales, the fly-out indicator arrow still points from left-to-right.

AspMeny har i objektmodellen av misstag blivit sealed, vilket hindrar egna anpassningar. Så nu finns alltså koden att ladda hem under namnet MossMenu: http://blogs.msdn.com/sharepoint/attachment/1193926.ashx

Originalartikeln från SharePoint Team Blog här:
Customizing the WSS 3.0/MOSS 2007 Menu Control - MossMenu source code released

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